
Hi! I'm Aleka!

A blog dedicated to sharing my best recipes and tips for entertaining at home! Join the AGT hostess newsletter to stay updated with new recipes, tips and ideas for upcoming get-together!

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πŸ—οΈ Using Keysearch's Domain Authority Filter

Hi there! Last week, I shared some insights on using Keysearch to research Baked Ziti. If you missed that email, you can read it HERE! Today is short and sweet! I just wanted to briefly go over how I would use Keysearch's new domain authority filter options to find some keywords worthwhile. It really is a cool feature and one that I am so glad was included! If you can't see that video, you can watch it externally HERE. I hope that was helpful some! -Aleka Coupon Codes: Link Whisper: Use my...

Hi there! I heard back from so many of you with MOSTLY positive results after that core update last month! That's SO awesome to hear, ESPECIALLY before the holiday season. Last week, I shared Keysearch's new Deep Dive feature. If you missed that email, you can read it HERE! Today I am sharing a brief overview of how I chose the keywords for my recent baked ziti recipe using Keysearch's filter. Check it out below! If this doesn't play, click HERE. You need to be as efficient as possible when...

Hi there! I waited 2 weeks to ask and can't wait any is your traffic doing after that core update?!?!? 🫣 I've heard either an increase has happened or not much of a change. I hope an increase!!! (Hit reply and lmk!!) Today I wanted to share a new feature that Keysearch released called "Deep Dive". Have you seen it? If not, here is a quick video! If this doesn't play, click HERE. It is nice to see them focusing on DA a bit more because I know, although it's NOT a ranking factor,...

Happy Hump Day! Last week I discussed a few things about Microsoft's free tool Clarity (with a y). HERE is a link to my past emails in case you missed them. Today I wanted to share another awesome feature it provides. It involves round ups! Wouldn't it be nice to quickly see WHICH links in your round up are actually being clicked on and which are NOT? I sure think so.. Click here if this video is not working. Also, I wanted to share a "hands-on" LIVE workshop that Christina and Corinne are...

Happy Friday! How is your organic traffic going? Up or down? Have you been spending the summer going easy or are you attacking content like a lion? I took a much needed break to visit family up north but am back and ready to work! I've been meaning to share this tool with you that I've been using for the last year or so! It's called Clarity and it's pretty awesome. Have you heard of it yet? This is NOT Clariti with an "i" (which I still use and love)'s Clarity with a "y" and it's from...

Happy Thursday! How is your organic traffic? I wanted to share something with you regarding roundup posts. I typically take this approach during my coaching sessions because it's such a great feature to use for 'before update/post update' comparison. See the short video below. If you cannot view that, you can watch it HERE. In case you missed my last email, I've opened my 1 on 1 coaching!! I love helping to find dropped rankings and offer some suggestions as to how to approach things moving...

Happy Thursday! How is your organic traffic going? Mine is still down year over year but recently has been moving in the upward direction which I am not mad about. It's not a huge uptick but I'm staying optimistic!! I am hoping the next Google update everyone is chatting about will help all those who dropped get back in the game but only time will tell. I wanted to reach out to let you all know that I am re-opening my coaching services!! I know a lot of you have been asking me about that so I...

Happy Hump Day! I wanted to share something I came across in ahrefs while analyzing my keywords for a current round up that was not doing well for me. It was a round up for amaretto cocktails that I created over a year ago. While analyzing the keywords for that individual post, (I show how to do this in my Analyzing & Tracking course), I saw these keywords below.... What would you do if you were me? If you said, "Aleka, why don't you just go after the keyword 'Sicilian Kiss' ?", then you're...

Happy Tuesday! Last week I talked about a free webinar that Bjork from FBP offered on optimization issues and how to fix them using Clariti. You can read that email as well as all previous emails HERE! If you missed the webinar, HERE is the recording. (I hope that link works for you.) I've been tracking and analyzing every post that has experienced a larger drop in the past 90 days using both Clariti and ahrefs. Without a tool like ahrefs (or semrush), it's so much harder and much more time...

Happy Hump Day! Some of you asked if there was a coupon you could use to try out Clariti so I asked Ben and he graciously offered a code that will allow you to sign up for $1 for the first month to try it out!! He has not offered this to anyone else before so try to take advantage. :) Just use this promo code when you sign up for Clariti: KEYWORDFRIEND24 Also!! Tomorrow Bjork from Food Blogger Pro is hosting a Clariti Event at 1:00 PM EST to discuss the 10 Most Common Content Optimization...