🗝️ An Example of Analyzing Keywords

Happy Hump Day!

I wanted to share something I came across in ahrefs while analyzing my keywords for a current round up that was not doing well for me. It was a round up for amaretto cocktails that I created over a year ago.

While analyzing the keywords for that individual post, (I show how to do this in my Analyzing & Tracking course), I saw these keywords below....

What would you do if you were me?

If you said, "Aleka, why don't you just go after the keyword 'Sicilian Kiss' ?", then you're right. :)

This post is only ranking for that specific keyword (which I do mention a recipe for in the roundup) but it's clearly not optimized solely for that keyword. So wouldn't it make more sense to target JUST that keyword instead?? Especially after I don't see any othe promising keywords a year in?

So the next question is, do I just update this post leaving the slug as "amazing-amaretto-cocktail-ideas"? Or do I create a whole new post?

The URL is still related so I could just leave it. After all, who really looks at the URL anymore? But it's not getting any traffic and does not have any referring domains so I might just delete it. Still deciding...

Either way, I believe I will be able to rank for it. Also notice the KD is a 0 which couldn't get any "easier". (The total volume is around 400).

Just try not to steal my keywords. 🙃

Are you having any luck with re-optimizing? Are you using Keyseach to do this? Hit reply and let me know!


PS- Here's a link to CLARITI (affiliate link) if you haven't signed up yet. It's a tool I've been using to help spot & organize low traffic posts since those core updates.

Coupon Codes:

Link Whisper: Use my affiliate link with the code: AlekaShunk15 for $15 OFF!

Keysearch: For 20% off, use my affiliate link and enter the coupon code: KSDISC (*This may not work for those outside the US)

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Hi! I'm Aleka!

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