šŸ—ļø A deeper look into Clariti! šŸ•µšŸ»

Happy Wednesday!

In my last email, I showed how I am currently using Clariti to update my content going into 2024! If you missed that one, you can read that HERE.

Since then, a lot of you replied back that you either use it and really like it or have not yet. So I wanted to continue to share some helpful info for those who are not using it yet but are curious. The video below shares the other neat metrics and features Clariti offers all within the tool itself. It's pretty user friendly which is a big plus for me.

The video is longer than usual at about 10 minutes but will give you an idea of whether it's something you will find helpful.



Click HERE to watch in another window.


You can sign up for Clariti, HERE (affiliate link!)


Keep up the awesome keyword research!!



Coupon Codes:

Link Whisper: Use my affiliate link with the code: AlekaShunk15 for $15 OFF!

Keysearch: For 20% off, use my affiliate link and enter the coupon code: KSDISC (*This may not work for those outside the US)


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Hi! I'm Aleka!

A blog dedicated to sharing my best recipes and tips for entertaining at home! Join the AGT hostess newsletter to stay updated with new recipes, tips and ideas for upcoming get-together!

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Hi there! Last week, I shared some insights on using Keysearch to research Baked Ziti. If you missed that email, you can read it HERE! Today is short and sweet! I just wanted to briefly go over how I would use Keysearch's new domain authority filter options to find some keywords worthwhile. It really is a cool feature and one that I am so glad was included! If you can't see that video, you can watch it externally HERE. I hope that was helpful some! -Aleka Coupon Codes: Link Whisper: Use my...

Hi there! I heard back from so many of you with MOSTLY positive results after that core update last month! That's SO awesome to hear, ESPECIALLY before the holiday season. Last week, I shared Keysearch's new Deep Dive feature. If you missed that email, you can read it HERE! Today I am sharing a brief overview of how I chose the keywords for my recent baked ziti recipe using Keysearch's filter. Check it out below! If this doesn't play, click HERE. You need to be as efficient as possible when...

Hi there! I waited 2 weeks to ask and can't wait any longer...how is your traffic doing after that core update?!?!? šŸ«£ I've heard either an increase has happened or not much of a change. I hope an increase!!! (Hit reply and lmk!!) Today I wanted to share a new feature that Keysearch released called "Deep Dive". Have you seen it? If not, here is a quick video! If this doesn't play, click HERE. It is nice to see them focusing on DA a bit more because I know, although it's NOT a ranking factor,...