🗝️ Keywords STILL Matter!

Hi there!

I know it's been a bit since I've sent an email but I've been patiently waiting and analyzing a LOT of sites....

I want to make sure I'm sharing helpful information with you, not just fluff. (Kinda like what Google wants..right?) 😏

So yes, I've been waiting and analyzing...comparing and examining...trying to figure out what Google is going to do.

Seeing which content survives Google's wrath and which doesn't. Taking a step back and looking at my blog as a WHOLE. Seeing how I can niche down even further. Finding ways to prove to Google I truly know my stuff. And overall, improving my content as a WHOLE.

These last 6 months or so have been an eye opener for sure. But that does NOT mean keywords don't matter anymore. Keywords will ALWAYS matter.

So how can the smaller bloggers prove to Google that they are relevant and helpful using keyword research?

First off, we still should focus on keywords within our topic clusters...like I talk about in my course.

But instead of approaching keyword research by randomly searching for keywords first or "stealing" them from our competitors, try thinking about what content would help to strengthen your topic clusters while still helping your audience.

If a keyword does not have a super high volume or it is way too competitive BUT will help to strengthen your content and build upon your expertise, go for it!!

Gone are the days where we disregard a keyword just because it has a low search volume or just because it is too competitive. If it's relevant and helps to strengthen our topic cluster, it should be targeted.

Now if we can find a keyword that checks BOTH boxes being low competition and high volume, wonderful! There are still a lot out there if you dig. But don't only target those. That's writing content for Google and not our people which is not what Google wants us to do.

And whatever you do, don't forget about user intent!! That's the most important part of keyword research.

I will continue to pop in from time to time to share my personal wins with you or interesting findings. Please feel free to do the same so I can share those wins with everyone here! Any way to keep us all motivated is welcome! 🥰

BTW, you can access all my past emails HERE!

Keep up the smart keyword research!


PS- I've been using CLARITI (affiliate link) to help organize my updates and am loving it! I recommend trying it out if you've got a ton of content to tackle!

Coupon Codes:

Link Whisper: Use my affiliate link with the code: AlekaShunk15 for $15 OFF!

Keysearch: For 20% off, use my affiliate link and enter the coupon code: KSDISC (*This may not work for those outside the US)

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Hi! I'm Aleka!

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