πŸ—οΈ My Thoughts On Creating Helpful Content: Part 3 πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Hi there!

In my last email, I talked about how important it is to be not just helpful but the MOST helpful resource on Google. Missed it? You can read it HERE.

I am sure many of you are wondering HOW. How can I be the MOST helpful? What am I not doing?

First, I think we need to step back and remind ourselves what Google's main goal is.

Give the user what it wants as quickly and efficiently as possible.

So they created featured snippets a while back, which appear at the very top of the SERPS and answer the question in 1-3 sentences. Sometimes that's all a user needs. No further clicking is required. In this case, Google accomplished it's mission.

So how do we satisfy the user's immediate need?

The answer is simple, just give it to them ASAP, at the TOP of the page.

Well...as recipe bloggers, it's not that simple. We can't answer how to make sourdough bread in 2-3 sentences. And even if we could, we wouldn't make any money off of this approach because there would be no reason for ads then. And if there's no ads what's the point of blogging in the first place?

So the best way to do this is to offer a "Jump To" button. Which 95% of us already do.

Okay so if everyone ELSE is doing this for the same query, then what are ways to make YOUR sourdough recipe stand out?

Here are some notes I wrote down:

  • Make the most helpful parts of the recipe MORE obvious: So making the sourdough starter is #1 most important thing, make that the first H2. Then the next H2 should be how to feed it, etc. Make sure they're eye-catching!! (Bold, larger font, different color, etc.)
  • Remove chunks of content users WONT read: Word length is not a ranking factor so why add more words/sections than the user NEEDS? It takes more time for us to write it and could be hurting our rankings. When adding content, ask yourself, "Is this something a user really wants to know or is it fluff info?". Viewing what content users skip can be viewed in Clarity via heatmaps (More to come on this!)
  • Are you answering the most important questions or pulling questions from Google's PAA? The top question in the PAA for "sourdough bread: is "Is sourdough better for you than bread?". If people are Googling how to make sourdough bread, most of them want to just make it. So these extra "nice to know" questions can be removed or saved for the bottom of the post if desired.
  • Answer important questions more consisely higher up in your content or in a way that's easier to find: So if the sourdough starter is the most important aspect, that should be the first H2 not the 3rd. It should be it's own header which can be accessed via your TOC as well.


So basically, cut the BS and get to the point!!

There's many different ways to do this but as food bloggers, we're notorious for offering way too much fluff.

But if you're already doing these things I listed above, maybe you need to focus more on originality and uniqueness??

I'll talk more about this next week!


Smile and stay motivated!! ☺️


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Hi! I'm Aleka!

A blog dedicated to sharing my best recipes and tips for entertaining at home! Join the AGT hostess newsletter to stay updated with new recipes, tips and ideas for upcoming get-together!

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