🗝️ My Thoughts On Creating Helpful Content (Part 4) 🙌🏻

Hi there!

In my last email, I talked about how to satisfy a users needs quickly, because that's what Google cares about. Missed it? You can read it HERE.

Today, I want to talk more about making yourself stand out from the rest. Because as a food bloggers, it's HARD to stand out amongst the hundreds of thousands of other recipes.

A goal of yours should be to add something to your content that will STOP USERS MID-SCROLL.

And I've found, the best way to do this is to create graphics.

Here is an example I found from my sourdough search. (Yes I am about to begin my sourdough journey if you haven't noticed.) :)

This graphic here no lie, stopped me dead in my scroll...

How awesome is that? Most of us are visual learners so seeing a timeline of a typical sourdough starter from jar to oven is INCREDIBLY helpful...which is probably why this result is in the top 3 for a keyword with over 100k msv.

This can't be done for some recipes but hopefully it gives you an idea of what thinking outside the box looks like. The baking niche has a ton of options for visuals!

This next graphic I found believe it or not on...Reddit. I know..I'm sorry. But it's so good. (A user created it. Not even a blogger.)

But how awesome is this representation of sourdough results? This is an example of going ABOVE and beyond and is something that I am sure many many websites want to share/link to.

Have you noticed something that stopped you in your scroll while researching a keyword? Send me a screenshot. I'd love to see it!

Smile and stay motivated!!


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Hi! I'm Aleka!

A blog dedicated to sharing my best recipes and tips for entertaining at home! Join the AGT hostess newsletter to stay updated with new recipes, tips and ideas for upcoming get-together!

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