
Hi! I'm Aleka!

I am the founder of Aleka's Get-Together.

A blog dedicated to sharing my best recipes and tips for entertaining at home! Join the AGT hostess newsletter to stay updated with new recipes, tips and ideas for upcoming get-together!

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πŸ—οΈ Memorial Day Discount!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Happy Tuesday! Last week I talked about a free webinar that Bjork from FBP offered on optimization issues and how to fix them using Clariti. You can read that email as well as all previous emails HERE! If you missed the webinar, HERE is the recording. (I hope that link works for you.) I've been tracking and analyzing every post that has experienced a larger drop in the past 90 days using both Clariti and ahrefs. Without a tool like ahrefs (or semrush), it's so much harder and much more time...

about 1 month agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Happy Hump Day! Some of you asked if there was a coupon you could use to try out Clariti so I asked Ben and he graciously offered a code that will allow you to sign up for $1 for the first month to try it out!! He has not offered this to anyone else before so try to take advantage. :) Just use this promo code when you sign up for Clariti: KEYWORDFRIEND24 Also!! Tomorrow Bjork from Food Blogger Pro is hosting a Clariti Event at 1:00 PM EST to discuss the 10 Most Common Content Optimization...

about 1 month agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi there! I know it's been a bit since I've sent an email but I've been patiently waiting and analyzing a LOT of sites.... I want to make sure I'm sharing helpful information with you, not just fluff. (Kinda like what Google wants..right?) 😏 So yes, I've been waiting and analyzing...comparing and examining...trying to figure out what Google is going to do. Seeing which content survives Google's wrath and which doesn't. Taking a step back and looking at my blog as a WHOLE. Seeing how I can...

2 months agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

Hi there! In my last month's of emails, I talked all about ways to make your content more helpful after the infamous HCU. Missed it? You can read those emails HERE. (They're now updated for those that couldn't access them before!) I realize many of us are just waiting for Google to finish this month's updates..but one thing that will not change is the idea of topic clusters. Building topic clusters using keyword research involves finding those primary topics aka "pillar content" and related...

3 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi there! In my last email, I talked about how to satisfy a users needs quickly, because that's what Google cares about. Missed it? You can read it HERE. Today, I want to talk more about making yourself stand out from the rest. Because as a food bloggers, it's HARD to stand out amongst the hundreds of thousands of other recipes. A goal of yours should be to add something to your content that will STOP USERS MID-SCROLL. And I've found, the best way to do this is to create graphics. Here is an...

3 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi there! In my last email, I talked about how important it is to be not just helpful but the MOST helpful resource on Google. Missed it? You can read it HERE. I am sure many of you are wondering HOW. How can I be the MOST helpful? What am I not doing? First, I think we need to step back and remind ourselves what Google's main goal is. Give the user what it wants as quickly and efficiently as possible. So they created featured snippets a while back, which appear at the very top of the SERPS...

4 months agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

Hi there! So last week, I offered my perspective on the HCU after weeks of reading through many articles online, reviewing Google documents and reading Marie Haynes workbook, "Creating Helpful Content". Missed it? You can read it HERE. I received so much feedback from that email which I appreciate. Some of you asking about that workbook I mentioned, others sharing about their losses. Either way, many of us are in the same boat and are seeking answers. I wish I had answers to all your amazing...

4 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Hi there! In my last email, I showed an over-the-shoulder view how I analyze while updating a post. Missed it? You can watch it HERE. Over the last few weeks, I've been consuming a TON of information about what it means to truly create HELPFUL content. I recently purchased a 70 page workbook by Marie Haynes called "Creating Helpful Content" and finally finished absorbing all the information. πŸ˜… And I'm not going to head hurts. Trying to decipher what Google realllly wants is not easy...

4 months agoΒ β€’Β 3 min read

Happy Wednesday! In my last email, I showed some of the awesome features Clariti provides us bloggers. If you missed that one, you can read that HERE. Today I am sharing an over-the-shoulder view of some of the things I analyze when updating an old post. This is a very general overview of what I look at. It's very hard to do this while talking because thinking while talking is getting rough with old age. πŸ˜‚ Know that each post update is different for obvious reasons but I like to analyze my...

5 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read

Happy Wednesday! In my last email, I showed how I am currently using Clariti to update my content going into 2024! If you missed that one, you can read that HERE. Since then, a lot of you replied back that you either use it and really like it or have not yet. So I wanted to continue to share some helpful info for those who are not using it yet but are curious. The video below shares the other neat metrics and features Clariti offers all within the tool itself. It's pretty user friendly which...

5 months agoΒ β€’Β 1 min read
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